Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An Apple Equation

Apples from our tree


apple juice, brandy, honey, cinnamon & butter


another midnight project!



Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

BRANDY? You put brandy in your sauce? Man o man. Makes my sauce look totally wimped out.

I'm with you on the late night stuff. . .at least somewhat. And as for putting things up--well I had a dream the other night I put the baby into a tupperware, labeled it clearly with masking tape and permanant marker (BABY) and put it in the freezer. Only the next morning did I realize with some alarm that I had forgotten the baby in the freezer. I hoped she would thaw well.

Elaines said...

Oh yeah...gotta love it. I think you need some brandy spiked applesauce while you're waiting for the baby to thaw!