Monday, June 30, 2008

Hot Moms

We came home from Lancaster area yesterday with an 11 foot fireplace mantel strapped to the top of our van. Now it is a most imposing feature in the garage, where it awaits my efforts at finishing it.

I stopped at Wayne Lumber this afternoon to pick up sand paper, and was waited on by a young man, maybe 19 or so, who was sporting a T-shirt announcing in big letters "I (heart) Hot Moms".

What the heck?

I have no illusions that I might be a "Hot Mom" to a 19 year old, nor do I wish to be. However, I was left speechless by his advertising efforts. I continue to ponder the meaning of "Hot Moms", and why someone would wear it on their T-shirt. Maybe some things are better left a mystery!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Ink Spots

Well, N, now I have ink problems of my own! L found an ink pen and decided to decorate her legs. (Click on the picture for a better view of her artwork.)

J keeps asking "Why L? Why did you write on yourself?" I answer for her: "She's 2!"

Nuff said.


St. Michael the Archangel

I am happy to say that with God's help, I was able to complete this lovely icon of St. Michael the Archangel. We put in at least 8 hours of painting each day and learned all the techniques for painting each part as we went.

This photo was taken right before varnishing, the final step which really makes the colors "pop" and the icon look finished.

Each morning we studied different depictions of St. Michael and we talked about what different elements represent. For instance the globe represents the world, the letters stand for "Christ, the Righteous Judge." The angels usually have wings which suggest speed. They also are depicted with a staff. The thick neck suggests strength. The hair is in the ancient Greek style for warriors. The ribbon is supposed to be antennae-like, indicating that the angels are messengers are listening or attentive.

It is believed that it was actually St. Michael that was the pillar and cloud leading the Israelites in the wilderness, that Michael guarded the gates of paradise when Adam and Eve were cast out. Michael is the leader of the angelic hosts, being second in command (after Lucifer) so now is first in command.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ride the rails? H*** NO!!!

I just got a call from my brother in Austin, TX, who was scheduled to reach home via Amtrack last night. They actually got in around 4 AM today. After a 10 hour delay, the train was "terminated" in Dallas, and they got to begin a 3 and 1/2 hour bus ride at 12:30 with 2 tired kids in tow. This was supposed to be the good experience on the return trip after taking an 11 hour bus trip from St Louis to Toledo without stops for meals on the way here.

My parents are great proponents of Amtrack. They take a big train trip about once a year. This year they are going to Fairbanks, Alaska. Of course, they enjoy seeing the country and chatting with other senior citizens riding the train sans children. They also have never had to ride on a bus instead of the train for 11 hours.

We had our first experience as a family on Amtrack last Fall, when we rode from Greensburg to Philly to visit the King Tut exhibit. On the way out, we got lots of dirty looks because the girls were too loud, or kicking the seat backs, or some other kid related offense. On the way back, we were nearly 2 hours late getting in to Greensburg (past bedtime) and both the girls were running fevers...not particularly fun for any sort of travel.

There may be a day, when travelling without children, that I would like to see America. Until that time, I think I'll take to the air and arrive at my destination in a single day.


P.S. Or was your week, N?

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I passed my Boards!
I've also managed to hold it together emotionally with (at least) 9 extra people in my house for the past 5 days!
I think I should celebrate!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All in a Day's Work

After putting B to nap, this is how I found E.
His comment, "Look Mommy, I'm wearing your breasts."
Unfortunately, he seems to fill out my cups more than I do. Ha ha.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Crazy Crazy Daze

Just a quick post and picture of my family that is here now. My grandmother, my mother's 2 sisters and 1 brother-in-law came for the day, and have headed home. My sister-in-law and 2 of my nephews leave in the AM, and my Dad arrives tomorrow night by train.

So far we have cooked "mountain pies" in the outside stove, made homemade ice cream, and Lauren managed to flood the bathroom and consequently the new carpet downstairs.

We are all having fun, not sleeping much, and enjoying each others' company!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Shoo Fly Pie

My brother's train is at least an hour late coming in to Connellsville (a small town in PA to which I've never intentionally been). Luckily he called just minutes before I pulled out of the garage to go pick them up. So, J & I have had some time, while the house is quiet and everyone else sleeps, to play "Go Fish" and "Crazy Eights" and eat a leisurely breakfast.

I managed, in the midst of chaos on Friday, to bake a couple of Shoo Fly Pies. This may not be everyone's dream confection, but they are quite tasty and simple to bake. For some reason they have morphed from dessert to breakfast food in our family. A slice is quite satisfying with a cup of coffee. Since they are very definitely a Mennonite food, I offered a slice to J.

J: "No way!"

T: "It's really quite yummy. Come on, when else would I offer you pie for breakfast?"

J: "Uh uh, I want a pancake."

T: "You have Mennonite blood in you, you should try some Shoo Fly Pie!"

J: "Is that the REAL name? They should give it another name, that's not a very tasty name."

T: " Do you want a bite of mine?"

J: "No thanks."

So, I've got an unwilling child of Mennonite heritage on my hands. One day I'm going to make her try a bite! Until then, I'll just enjoy the swarms of Mennonite people hanging out at our home on the hill.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Icon School

I'm off to Icon School tomorrow. In typical Schmickle fashion, I'm feeling totally introverted about it and wanting to stay home. I'm sure to get over that once I'm there. We are painting the icon of St. Michael the Archangel. Hopefully I will do well enough to show it off!
Everyone have a great week.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Best of Luck to you!!
Regardless of this exam, you will still be a caring and creative mother, devoted friend, Bunco winner, and card carrying member of the Elaine Society. We're proud of you!!

Violin Follow Up

I thought I'd write a quick note as follow up to my somber note of several months ago, lamenting the loss of J's violin instructor. Last week J had her first lesson with the new instructor, who is faculty at WVU. She is very energetic, kind and J really likes her. How could I not use her when she wrote the following about my daughter?
"J has such a lovely sound and plays with such clean
intonation. It is rare to hear someone her age play with such
a natural legato sound. I was quite impressed
and am very interested in working with her."
We can all dream of being paid what she does: $30 for a 30 min. lesson! One reason to keep J at it...future income!

Friday, June 6, 2008


-19 children here this morning
-tiny frogs escaping into the house
-2 years old locks Mommy into the computer room
-71% on my practice post test

Monday, June 2, 2008

June Progress Report

We are ready to enter into Summer full swing out here on the hill.

The Kid Wash is open for business.

The flowers new

and old are in bloom.

The fledgling robins will soon leave the nest.

The tadpoles will soon be ready to find a new home in the creek.

Unfortunately, the house on Poplar Ridge won't begin until late August!

Hooray for the sunshine!