Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When a Primal Scream Just Doesn't Cut it

I'm so ashamed of myself!

I worked (for hours and hours) today on putting trim around the new mantel in the living room. It should have been easy...every thing was cut to fit, all I had to do was nail it in. I tried several different finishing nails, even went back to Wayne Lumber (the I -heart- Hot Moms guy was there again...different t-shirt today) for yet another type. THEY WOULDN'T GO IN! I tried really hard not to shout the slew of 4 letter words that were boiling to the surface, but I have to admit that a couple slipped out.

Finally I just put the hammer down and screamed. Really loud. Really long. Then I cried for a while. What I really wanted to do was bash something. Didn't do it because it would just be one more mess for me to clean up. Meanwhile, my girls were staring at me like I was Satan incarnate. J said "I really wish I could help you Mommy. It looks kinda easy." After hugs all around, I proceeded to get them ready for bed, but I didn't really feel all that much better!

Is there a secret to keeping yourself under control in those out of control moments? I'm seriously hoping that I didn't freak my kids out too much. Maybe family counseling in lieu of a summer vacation this year is in order!

Lesson learned: chestnut is an extremely hard wood (rivals hickory - discovered that one while trying to install child locks on the kitchen cupboards several years ago), don't attempt battle with it until children are at someone else's house and out of hearing range.


1 comment:

Elaines said...

Tonya, I just love your posts! Keepin' it real! I don't think your kids will suffer any damage whatsoever. (You weren't yelling at them...) Take the vacation!