Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Little Black Dress

Well, we are headed to Indiana tomorrow. The wedding that J has been waiting for since March is now upon us. J is to be the flower girl (a.k.a. Princess), which has been her heart's desire for a couple of years now. She wondered yesterday if she should practice, but I assured her we would have a practice tomorrow evening. All of our finery is hanging in the hallway, ready to be loaded into the van late tonight. I was thrilled to get a new "little black dress" which doesn't make me look like a frumpy, nearly 40-ish Mom, but actually like someone of the female persuasion. L was pleased to find a velvet dress in the hand-me-down box, and J has been eager to wear the blue silk flower girl dress for several months.

I remembered this morning that I hadn't done anything about a wedding present yet, so I went to the bank for plenty of $1's and some $5's and whipped up our standard wedding gift: cash presented in a unique way. The label says "M Medical Associates, JPM D.O. TCKM MPAS,PA-C, Rx: J & R, Take as needed when feeling stressed, overworked or underprivileged. Use only for fun and fulfilling activities. LIVE-IT-UP capsules, 1/1/09, No refills, No expiration"

Apparently our computer was feeling left out since this nasty GI virus has been going around, so it contracted one of its own yesterday. Hubby spent all evening clearing it off and fixing everything up. What a pain. We are still having problems with Google...it gives us links that don't go with our searches. Any one else with this problem?

I have decided to go along with Mo Rocca and make resolutions for other people this year, instead of for myself. For L, she will resolve to be potty trained. J will resolve to stop whining cold turkey. There's more...I just have to think of them.

Happy New Year!


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