Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I have some really, truly free time this afternoon, so I thought I'd post a quick note to wish every one a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

For lack of any thing really amazing to blog about, I can offer a few movie reviews. We have found ourselves these past few weekends with no home repairs, no packing or unpacking, and no yard work to do, so with bad weather and luxurious laziness to revel in, we have been crashing on the couch!

Without ruining it for those of you who may not have seen it, I'm not sure that the screen writers read the same book that I did. The movie was quite interesting and well done, but they took MANY liberties in the story, including a long fight scene which never occurred in the book and the return of the White Witch.

X-FILES, the movie
One of my "bad habits" back in the day, was faithfully watching X-Files every Sunday night...Hubby and I were quite hooked! If you aren't familiar with X-Files, you can still watch this movie and it will make as much sense to you as it did to me. I was excited to hear about another movie, and disappointed after watching it. It felt contrived...they tried too hard to make a sequel.
Usually I don't care for Super Hero movies, but this one was interesting (short too...just 1 1/2 hours). Will Smith plays superbly a Super Hero struggling with depression and alcohol abuse. It was a bit dark, but with a good and satisfying ending. It's worth checking out.

I went into this one without high expectations, but all 4 of us were rolling with laughter. It is a fun take on being comfortable with who you are, but at an unsophisticated level.

This one is my favorite of all the American Girl movies, about Kit, a 10 year old girl in 1934. It features Joan Cusak as a zany mobile librarian (one of the best characters in the movie). Kit and her friends learn that people can be much different than they appear on the surface.

and finally a TV movie: HEIDI 4PAWS
This one was on PBS this afternoon, featuring dogs dressed up as the characters from Heidi, including the goats. The girls loved it, I was mildly amused. I have never before seen dog yodeling.


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